cuz he banned me for a gay reason and idk

i had sex for the first time in 3 months and now we're getting taco bell, rate it
you're on thin ice, pal
if you buy a ps4 get Zero Dawn & Uncharted 4

also, if you havent, play The Last of Us

because Part 2 has been announced and im hype as fuck
I'll miss you
if you get ps4 add me

but id rather my dope ass sunglasses ps3 because i have more games on it and you dont need to pay for online wtf sony
hentai for senpai :3~~ >~<
im sorry for not telling you this sooner, but im not actually a meme. im an undercover transformer here to ask if you have a ps3
hentai for senpai :3~~ >~<