Aww yis X3

Oh man, I play LoL SEA
I jungle, solo top and support.
Mainly Hecarim, Singed and Blitzcrank respectively.

My only decent adr is Corki. My only decent mid is Twisted Fate.
I main ADC and Jungle, although I'm great at support with Sona or Leona.
I used to main top a long time ago, but top meta changed a little and I didn't like it.

Mid.... I'll only play AD mid nowadays, so if we need a Talon or a Zed to counter that stupid Kassadin I'm your guy.

I should have my ranked rewards, but too lazy to sign in
I main top as Garen, Riven or Singed.

Garen is for stopping hard ADCs like Darius.
Riven for softies because of her ridiculous Armor Penetration.
And Singed is for when I feel like I just want to troll. Because he's my main ever since I got a penta on him.
Level 30 yet? :P
Garens regen just screws Darius in the ass.
I play Olaf vs Riven, when she has her ult I just ult and all in her, funny times.
My Singed play is the sort of forever in lane play, just so I can be that asshole who grabs your adc carry and flings her making her have to focus on living rather than killing xP
Yeah, I'm Level 30
Silver II because I suck XD

Olaf's ult can counter Riven's stun.
And funny how people see Singed as a tank. I build him pure AP.
Singed is more a bruiser in my opinion, because I build Pure AP and rely on my ults duration to teamfight for that little tankiness. Of course I buy 1 armour item and 1 AP+MR combi item. But other than that I get rabadons then situational AP items
lol Rabaddon's is situational for me.
If I'm pwning the enemy, then I get Rabaddon's.
If I kept dying, then I get some armour. Zhonya's is actually viable on Singed.

I'm your top tier waifu.
Visit my panda thread!
I'm also Event Squad! Slide into my DMs for questions!
Pssst! Aeon is just boomer Adventure. Pass it on.
I play him but I hate playing him, the aim is to stay near the enemy in such a way that your poison keeps procing, I don't like it. So I only counter play singed :'P
Originally Posted by NitrateDash View Post
Hey guys. It's me, Darke.

How are you all doing? Glad to see this clan is still alive. It's been almost 2 years now, hasn't it? Yeahhh I forgot the credentials to my old account. So I made a new one.

Really, it's me. I've been thinking of coming back. Is count still here? Falzar? Trice? soul? Blacky?

or Armin?

Yeah, just dropping to see how you guys are doing. You were my very first friends here, after all.

Hello to the new members, I used to be this clan's Co-Leader. A pleasure to meet you all.

so this is why i sneeze
someone called my name, sup darke it's been a while since i saw you
right now i am a co-leader of [l] if you ar asking my condition now, i pop here time by time
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Originally Posted by NitrateDash View Post
Does he regularly visit though?

Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Nah he doesn't.

:(){ :|: & };: