Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
How to play Rengar

I lol'd.
And I lol'd.
And I lol'd the house down.
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
How to play Rengar

Never have I laughed out loud from a youtube video. Never, I mean, I giggle, but never laugh so hard.

Thanks for that hippybob.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Nobody lets me AD taric top :< so I'm forced to try lichbane or dfg viktor. It's not as fun as I'd hoped
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Nobody lets me AD taric top :< so I'm forced to try lichbane or dfg viktor. It's not as fun as I'd hoped

AD Zombie Brand I think can contend pretty well with AD Taric.
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Nobody lets me AD taric top :< so I'm forced to try lichbane or dfg viktor. It's not as fun as I'd hoped

I just tried viktor today, bastard doesn't have any rough time in the game, always ended up spamming my E (which is hard to aim since it was my first time).

All in all, viktor is very fun, don't get why people never play him.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Originally Posted by Toon View Post
When I jungle as anyone(Even as teemo) I don't need a Leash. Leashes are for people who cannot jungle worth crap. Please never join a game with me and ask for a leash.
As if any of you would join me.
I would gaurd you but I will not leash if you NEED A LEASH. Then your jungling bad.

This guy is wrong, and bad.

It's like a snapshot into sub 1100 play.

EDIT: Just realized this guy gave up on actually playing League of Legends and went back to mindless IP grinding in Player vs AI. lolz.

In other news:

The new 3s map is fuckin' awesome, but some of the items are broken.

For instance, lantern's 5% hp over 3 seconds dot refreshes per dot tick of abilities like nidalee traps/ singed poison damage ticks, etc. Makes any caster with a spammable dot an absolute monster. Also works on Brand's passive. Holy dicks. Land one spell, burn for 3 bars of hp after spell hits. Huehuehue.

They definitely made mages stronger in 3s though. Which is cool.
Last edited by Hamster; Oct 23, 2012 at 05:54 PM.
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Also, Gubbin is neat.

Originally Posted by Toon View Post
When I jungle as anyone(Even as teemo) I don't need a Leash. Leashes are for people who cannot jungle worth crap. Please never join a game with me and ask for a leash.
As if any of you would join me.
I would gaurd you but I will not leash if you NEED A LEASH. Then your jungling bad.

This post is nominated for post of the year.
Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
AD Zombie Brand I think can contend pretty well with AD Taric.

I finally got to play AD Taric top.

I beat a Jax who had his jungle camping my lane (Lee Sin), then basically one-hit the enemy Vayne when bot and top lane swapped, cause Jax was getting rofl stomped from infinite sustain.

Gems truly are outrageous.

And people don't play Viktor because he scales off poorly because of pretty average ratios, coupled with low base stats and only slightly above average cooldowns and high mana costs. His unique item is also pretty useless as the game progresses. The most useful one in the long run is augment gravity, as pure damage Viktor dies to any focus, so he degrades to a support dps by the end of the game, kinda like Orianna.

However, he's a monster in early game whether you max Q or E first, and his mid game team fight presence is no laughing matter. Chaos Storm is basically a fiddle ult with no channel at that point.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Toon View Post
You all just play for wins and don't understand the value of fun. Please gtfo of league.

u shoulda gtfo, 90% of the people who play LoL think the way to win only, they dont play for fun, if u even have over 1000 games u would know that (i have no idea how much matches u hav.)
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