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should I start with q or e?
I would be super agressive, and I've tried that. But I always end up getting killed with the fact there are more then one champion
must get ghost as a summoner, other one either ignite or teleport depending if you want lane presence (ignite) or map presence (teleport) throughout the game. There a couple of build paths for him, you either go cdr-olaf and max e and get items such as shurelia's, randuins, etc but is very team reliant. In team fights you must be able to ghost/ult into the enemy team and kill the ad carry. If you can't kill the enemy ad carry and you die den u iz useless.
The other option is go for a more ad oreintated build and max Q for epic pushing powerz. Your wave clear is monstrous and if you land concecutive Q's on the enemy top then he is going to bad time...really bad time.
They are the only two build paths that I've found effective, both require you to be aggresive in lane.