Well alert was in that server for a while so was I. and about that clan war I see no reason not to accept except their is no prize -.- but this is not a yes yet
Well alert was in that server for a while so was I. and about that clan war I see no reason not to accept except their is no prize -.- but this is not a yes yet
I'll throw in 4k, not much I know but it's all I got atm :[
Oh and so i herd u liek duckz?
Last edited by bumfluff; Sep 22, 2009 at 02:57 PM.
Reason: Failed to save the replay for some reason, so here it is again.
Belt: 2nd dan
Timezone: GMT+2
Favourite Mod: I don't have one :o
Reason why you want to join: Bumfluff is a good friend of mine, so.. yeah. :P And this clan doesn't seem to be retard-friendly like the most clans are.