6.4 is what i use :P
Yeah, so i found out that Shattering Blows with a hammer can deal an insanely
varied damage... As low as 14, and as high as 61... Well, the enemy i struck with
61 damage had 2000 hp, so it just went for a rough ride to Walltown...
I also noticed that when you strike a wooden object hard enough, it may catch fire...
Actually, i often strike so hard that the coins spraying out of my enemy catch fire >_>
For the lazy ones who dont want to collect all weapons themselves:
Go to your profile (profile_<number>.seria), find "m_weapon_lock", and change
its value to -1. You may want to backup in case something screws up >_>
Note: This unlocks ALL weapons, even the not-yet-findable ones.