Originally Posted by superkake View Post
idk so much about the 1k
entry fee, that sounds kinda
dumb...but we could hold a
series of tourneys, that would
be cool. kinda like a grand
tournament or something.
like we could hold four or eight
tourneys at the same time,
whoever won first place and
second place in the first and
second tourneys fight eachother
in the next match, whoever
won first and second in the
third and fourth tourneys would
fight, and whoever won first
and second places in the fifth
and sixth tourneys will fight
eachother in the next match,
etc. this is long....

and we keep narrowing it down
until we have an ultimate first
place winner and an ultimate
second place winner who recieve
an uber grand prize.
oh and for every match that is
held against a first place winner
and a second place winner,
the person who wins that match
will be given a small prize.

IF we do this, we could make a
thread where people apply to join
in the tourneys, we would also
need to plan this out well. We
could probably do this if we can
find a time of the month (preferably
christmas week) when everyone
in the clan is active.

such a long post...fingers tired...

1k entry fee is genius. Also this is a great idea that we will have furtehr discusion about.
Rogue clown
Originally Posted by MOBI View Post
Eh i hate to be a buzz kill but Latin had this same idea a while ago
But we could give it a go its a great idea for a fun raiser

But that latin event is only for members of latin...
I mean this isnt the EXACT same Idea...

They did it by individual players

If we do it by clans and have like a HUGE BIG OL' GRAND PRIZE like 100k, we could charge each clan 10k to join
and if we got 20 clans to join thats 200k
Few suggestions.

I've noticed its been extremely hard to get in lately, i come and applied thinking it was the same as i was here.
I think we should ease up, i mean, 1 no

Are you serious? its easier to get into DAT. I think maybe at least 3-2 nos.

My 2nd suggestion is.

ARE YOU SERIOUS AGAIN! 6 Months!! some people don't even play for six months. Some people won't even BE here in 6 months. I think it should be a free thing, where you apply for it, not you have to wait. and even if you do have to wait, you shouldn't have to be in the clan for half a year to actually rank up.

If this is a problem, more ranks. right now we have 4 ranks, why not add more? so it actually will be free and its more than just 1 step and bang elite.
First. What's wrong with standards? I LIKE how we're handling applications now. I'm not too keen on letting every one who shows a hint of talent in. IMO, anyone who you saw get a "no" deserved it. Nobody that we've rejected had the talent required to join and so what if it's easier to get into DAT? I say Good. Lowering standards SUCKS.

Second. "Some people don't even play for 6 months. Some people won't even BE here in 6 months" EXACTLY. The people that aren't even going to play for 6 months are the kind of people we DON'T want with elite status in the clan. Elite means you are an important member and you do a lot to help the clan out; The people you describe are NOT those kinds of people. Therefore, they won't be getting elite status. Basically, if you can't even stick with a game for 6 months, you won't be getting elite status. I think that's perfectly reasonable.

Third. I see no reason to complicate things.
My shop
Originally Posted by Parker
First. What's wrong with standards? I LIKE how we're handling applications now. I'm not too keen on letting every one who shows a hint of talent in. IMO, anyone who you saw get a "no" deserved it. Nobody that we've rejected had the talent required to join and so what if it's easier to get into DAT? I say Good. Lowering standards SUCKS.

1 No from an elite. that could be a no for any reason, if the elite has never liked them. For example, if i used to act like a complete idiot to one of the elites, because he had done something just really inappropriate to me, then i'll get a no and therefore out of the clan.
There could also be a No for no reason, like one of the elites thought a person he dislikes got a name change and would say no, even if the person wasn't who he thought he was.

Originally Posted by Parker
Second. "Some people don't even play for 6 months. Some people won't even BE here in 6 months" EXACTLY. The people that aren't even going to play for 6 months are the kind of people we DON'T want with elite status in the clan. Elite means you are an important member and you do a lot to help the clan out; The people you describe are NOT those kinds of people. Therefore, they won't be getting elite status. Basically, if you can't even stick with a game for 6 months, you won't be getting elite status. I think that's perfectly reasonable.

You do know how long 6 months is right? Half a year. Only people who are EXTREMELY happy with the clan, and have lots of friends in the clan stay for that long. and what if someone is ready for elite in the first 2 months? then they have to wait another 4 months to actually apply. Actually, i don't think this CLAN has been up for 6 months. or if it has only just. i wasn't even gone from 42 - Doxa for 6 months. so its a long time to wait just to go elite. Myself, i don't like being called a junior and i wouldn't be liked being called a junior for 6 months.

That's why i suggested more ranks, to keep people feeling they are actually going some where in this clan