Christmas Lottery
If you want a mouth on that, i'd say you have to move the nostrils up a bit to make room. I actually think it would be better without a mouth
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I Love how this thread was made by me. It makes me feel awesome inside.
Back from le-dead
Nice head

I wish i could make textures like that.

I think you should have a mouth, but your gonna have to move up the face.
I do sigs, yeah. And avvys are just that easy its not funny lol.

gonna take a break from video making after legions and XIII.
Every once in a while I try my hand at making heads, just messing around and stuff. Something I can't figure out is that, whether i use a high quality picture from the internet or draw it myself, the end product always comes out pixelated, not crisp like I see in this thread. Basically the only successful head i've ever made is the one i'm using now lol. Why is everything I make all pixelated? Any tips?

Here's an example:

I know it sucks but can't draw and I'm a noob at pretty much every program necessary to make heads lol, even with tutorials XD (gimp, pov ray)
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