Well, at first I wanted my nickname to be Nightingale, cause Nightingales are awesome, but it was 10 characters max and I didn't know how to change that, like other people did. So I took the gale out and got Nightin.
i was Deviance back in the demo days, the [syn]thelegendaryninja used my name as a joke and ended up registering it to his account, so i couldnt use that one. luckily i was recruited into [FCC] (now known as RAWR) so i had to change my name to something of a sexual nature. Dr_strangelove used to go by Bendoverthismayhurtalittle, so he suggested i shorten it to BenDover
ok well i got it from when i was like 9 and runescape was popular....so i just was thinking and came up with sir because it was medievel and kill because it sounded violent. so i combined them. and i got sirkill59, but i forgot the password and stuff so i made a new one with 1 instead.