They were NOT magical, fuck the alien theories with them. THEY WERE MATH GENIUS'S AND THEY FOUND THAT EVERYTHING HAS SOME SORT OF CYCLE BY OBVIOUSLY OBSERVING DAY, NIGHT, SEASONS, CONSTELLATION PATHS, SUN FLIGHT PATHS, LIFE AND DEATH, and GEOMETRY. The Mayans were probably attacked by a tsunami or something and only a few hundred made it out alive.
They had ziggurats other than Pyramids and actual cities.
I am aware that our gravity keeps our atmosphere intact, but without the magnetosphere our dynamo our atmosphere could be thinned by solar winds.
Venus is a lot more closer and catches more of the suns heat because it is closer, On Earth we catch so little compared to Venus which is already choked up on CO2, Lava, and an extremely dense atmosphere. Probably about 90x the Earths atmosphere while being the smaller planet closer to the sun.
Sorry, I didn't mean the whole contenant Antarctica. I mean't the coastal line.
Check this map out though it isn't really relevant. It's from around 1500, but was found on some skin before that and then redrawn on a piece of paper.
The sun only has to be slightly brighter to greatly effect our climate. Which gives me reason to believe that Global Warming A Human By-Product is bull shit.
Dalir he's probably a misanthropist.
War_Hero more than half of the planet is ill informed reason being is that Politics is behind everything and we all should know by now that Politics is fucked and always was and still is.
Last edited by T0ribush; Jan 14, 2010 at 06:34 PM.