Amber alone is worth 13k in df
and acid 10k in df
I give you gaia force + Amber Force for 15k.
betlee relax for 4k
Also I wanna sell Dragon FOrce for 12k
hi wanna buy velvet force for 55k??
slipanc card 51k and deal its lowest
How abt acid force + aqua relax 12k
Azurite Relax 65k
Platinum Force - 38k
maya force 7.5k
full bumpmap??
wat about me? gaia force + lax 1.8k
platinum relax 40k
cobra force..9k? - dealfinder 11.5k
hotpink right and left hand trails 2k?(for both
marine primary and secondary 300tc
shaman ghost 2k
camo ghost,torso,left and right leg trails = 2k
you never awnsered me