Secret Santa 2024
would ya be Married with Waffle?

& I did not know that we have a house

Last edited by yatzekk; Feb 22, 2010 at 10:35 AM.
Rate track above
Ow, well, it's another very *cough cough* serious *cough cough* thread

Let's rate from 0 to 10 :o

So, my pick:
Music: 6 (too much screaming for me)
Movie: 3 (scene, the drummer, the scene, zoom keys, bass, frontman, scene, scene, etc, etc. .. how many times we have seen already?)
Style: 9+ (+do tha hairs! )
Overall: 6,16(666)

PS: "Embedding has been disabled on pages on demand watch on Youtube" - This inscription stinks faeces!
Last edited by yatzekk; Feb 25, 2010 at 08:48 AM. Reason: translated to more nabbish language!