I sent it back Darg.
Ark I sent you the particle with the image.
I'm back :)
Lol wtf u talking He just used same particle texture like u and taht based on the request just like u dont be wondered : /
CO-Leader of
Um Ark Can you send my particle back. Wow there both the same flame. Only one is darker than the other. Well I guess I will go with the lowest price. Darg how much was forge price.
Last edited by Sil; May 4, 2010 at 11:19 PM.
I'm back :)
There are very very few ways to do this flame. There are probably 3. Dargoba's, modius' on hanz0, and mine. Detecting plagiarizing off Dargoba's is the easiest, so if you really want to whine, I'll look into it.

Here's something I did for someone else. Price really depends on the exact content of texture.