well , intension is a good thing, but your actions may go the toher way...

if there were more you would have went to the hospital xO and the 12 year kid would just have runned away
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
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Great Puni!!! : DD

but talking in real... you need to think about the consequences before doing it, like you said, if were 5, or if he had a knife...

you can't fight all the battles, but make sure that the one that you will fight you will win! =)

but I"m totally glad that you did that, sometimes we just need to do things, and think later xD

10/10 to your good deed xDD

just look at his name, he is all about punishing others!

because he doesnt punsih himself ( that would be stupid ) he messes with 5 guys in order to get his bones to dust

danm , a lot of punishment for me
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
Check my inventory if you wish to buy flames.
lold but i dont just mess with pple they somehow get to me o.0 i never start a fight its either if someone started with my friends and ill come to help him or if they start to ano me to much i never go and beat up pple b4 telling them what is anoying m so im going to talk to them and if they aint listen and acting like fuckers we bust theyr asses XD