Secret Santa 2024
Now that sir is awesome, one thing; is the background transp?(can't tell on this white forum ;o) if so the smoke ends at the sides and you should make it so the smoke like uhh, doesn't end so abruptly? I guess you mean what i'm talking about. Anyway, I rate 9.5/10. It is pretty awesome, may I ask what it's for?
Back for good.
Just a divider for the Runners League. And yes the background is transparent. Yeah the smoke could be better. I was trying to match the look of this image created by both Doxxy and myself:

Brushes lol! I'm disappointed now. I thought you did that yourself.
Mine is just a little airbrushing and a faded wave filter in PS.

Well, i took the brushes, chopped them, lowered opacity, set to dodge mode, repeated, overlayed another set, etc. More then meets the eye.
Doxxy and membrain I love it
I like the way slycooper and sunny are running on top of the banner it makes it look catchy in the sense of when you see it, your going to know what the league is obviously about and its nice and doesnt look shabby.
I think you could of made the tori's slightly bigger and added shaders because if I didn't know those two players it would be hard for me to recognise.
I love the smoke Idea it makes it look urban and the 3d text is a nice way to make it stand out,
I love the font it self aswell.
Doxxy and Membrain you guys are making our clan stand out.
I finally completed a set for Razasha. Who also made the pic. I can't use shaders.

All work is my own. The dragon emblems on the hands, biceps, and stomach were made from a 3D model that I made specifically for this set.

Im still dissapointed that you made this set for 100k.
<ego>holy fuck a bat is in my room
- ego quit (Ping timeout)
100K plus full viridian to be precise. I think I asked for 300K. Razasha was my first paying customer since my return to tb so I tried to give him a deal.