@onamist: You can call bullshit all you like but in the end all you have is unsubstantiated slander, and the fact is unless you go and phsically see it for yourself, youll never really know. and i accept that by makeing that statement; i dont really know anything for sure either, but unlike you, i never claimed that i did, all i put in my post was a possibility for why he is able to survive. As for your opinion of me making up bullshit about god induced illusions, Your wrong, and clearly didnt actually bother to read my post in which i actually stated "My opinion" was that it was a "forced evolution", as in god had nothing to do with it, belief did. and i could be wrong about why this might occur as it could be any number of reasons but i would say its either living conditions or extreme religious belief.
on a side note instead of bashing you could just accept that there is never only one perspective to a story, even if some people agree not everyone will and you cant do a whole lot to change other peoples opinions so try to "Act" decent by acknowledging i have a different opinion than you, and ignoring my post instead of chopping it into pieces, quoiting it, and commenting on every thing you disagree with.