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Hyde is dumb, reversed
Last edited by War_Hero; Feb 17, 2011 at 03:24 AM.
Former Toribasher. Never any good though.
Rest in peace Tint.
Originally Posted by Jimbobwe View Post
See the Watson computer. 2,000 some processors and 6 million manually written language rules and it still has trouble competing on Jeopardy

!trivia 100
Ive thrown down the gauntlet.
although, seeing as its a computer, it could probably work out the sequence of what questions will be asked and have the answers saved after a few rounds.
stupid repetative trivia =/
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Personally I think technology won't improve much. Probably interactive hologram technology, but that's about it. We will still have viruses, normal cars, slow computers, retarded low grade robots and a shitload of kids running around learning from a whiteboard.
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
!trivia 100
Ive thrown down the gauntlet.
although, seeing as its a computer, it could probably work out the sequence of what questions will be asked and have the answers saved after a few rounds.
stupid repetative trivia =/

Jeopardy doesn't repeat questions. The computer has shit tons of information stored, because it isn't connected to the internet, and it analyzes the question, finds a few hundred possible answers, then uses it's computer learning from patterns of old questions it has stored to find the best answer. It's not perfect, but it's damn impressive.
A certain recluse, I know not who, once said that no bonds attached him to this life, and the only thing he would regret leaving was the sky.
Originally Posted by Jimbobwe View Post
Jeopardy doesn't repeat questions. The computer has shit tons of information stored, because it isn't connected to the internet, and it analyzes the question, finds a few hundred possible answers, then uses it's computer learning from patterns of old questions it has stored to find the best answer. It's not perfect, but it's damn impressive.

In short, it guesses.
Originally Posted by Gormin View Post
In short, it guesses.

Every answer is a guess, some guesses just have more reasoning to back it.
A certain recluse, I know not who, once said that no bonds attached him to this life, and the only thing he would regret leaving was the sky.
A lot more Wind Turbines a lot more efficient than they already are. Like put wind turbines on Golden Gate Bridge Towers facing towards sea, or do it with the Confederation Bridge. There are so many places that wind turbines should be and I think are going to be.

Wind Turbine Solar Panels on skyscrapers would be cool, Like the blades are the solar panels, though I don't know how efficient it would be.
We need a portable toast maker. I have just ate 4 pieces of toast. And it would be a great idea to have a portable toast maker except you whould have to carry bread around with you.

But in all seriousness we are fine where we are. The only thing we actually need is a alternative fuel source.
Yar-Har-Fiddle-De-De, Do what you want cause a Pirate is free!
I think we may have touchscreen walls in our homes and a touch screen vending machines and like already at our school thumb prints to handle your money but in all, these are guesses and the only one I think will happen is all schools go thumb prints instead of dinner passes