Original Post
Tourney Announcement thread.
Catch all the latest tourney news here, each ingame tourney will be announced in this thread. So if you want to be in them, you'd better keep an eye on this thread.

Subscribe to this thread to have it update in your userCP:
Hosting a knockout AikidoBD tourney! Prizes: random items
/join GMTourney

Starts in 5 minutes.
Pc running slow? Think you are infected or just want a general clean up? Try this.

Hosting a knockout lenshu3.tbm without grabs tourney! Random items as prizes
/join gmtourney

Starts in 5 minutes.
Aikido.tbm tourney with a little bit larger that usuall dojo! Prize is 5k for 1st, and random item for 2nd.

/join glitchtourn

Starts soon.
Last edited by Glitch_old; Apr 3, 2011 at 02:12 AM.
Hosting a knockout aikidobd tourney with random items as prizes
/Join GmTourney

Starting in 5 minutes
Hosting a knockout judofrac.tbm tourney. Prizes are random items
/Join GmTourney

Starting in some minutes
omg, an Acrojoust tourney starts in about 5 minutes!

/jo EdTourney

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Hosting an aikidobigdojo.tbm tournament with random items as prizes, starting in 5 minutes!
/Join GmTourney to take part in it.