Christmas Lottery
"Sir, I know this is a rough time for you, but considering the loss of your son, I'm sure you'll need extra help here... Perhaps you can train me as your apprentice?"
"I'm already skilled in crafting," I assure him, removing the bow that the old man made from my back as proof. "I'm only offering my assistance."
The old man states, "i think you could be my "son" and that might coat my pain for my lost son... alright ill teach you."
the man says "we have a special place to put it" he leaves with the body, then comes back, "alright are you ready to learn?"
"Yes, sir." I reply. While walking towards him, I trip myself near the note, and swipe it from the floor, hiding it in my sleeve. Then I stand up chuckling at my clumsiness. "Sorry, all of the gore is making me faint."
Last edited by Lawrence1; Mar 27, 2011 at 06:27 AM.
the man giggles and looks at you wierd while he walks in the back for a little while.

You begin reading the note

Note: i expected you to report me, which is why i made this note. you still have a chance at earning a lot of money. if you go to the tree near the town center, you will find a rock, and under that is how you earn a lot of money...
Last edited by Wesley; Mar 27, 2011 at 06:33 AM.