I'm single now, but when I was still having some relations with a girl (not actually couples...she was actually starting dating with another guy, one of my best friends) we made out in my car while I was dropping her off on the day we got college acceptance letters. Well in our case, rejection letters. It was 20-30 minutes, with her mom calling her the entire time. We were just on the street two houses down too. Back then, I still really cared for her; we were good friends for 6 or 7 years.
This was a little before our prom. Anyway, she told two of her best friends and one happened to be the best friend of my prom date. So of course, she found out about 2 weeks before which started a huge drama over if I still liked her or not. Of course, I didn't like my prom date that much, she was just a nice girl I had met. But yeah that relationship got ended soon after prom due to all that, which is probably for the better, since she wasn't really my type.
Anyway, now the girl I made out with (both first times for us) is now dating my best friend. He knows now but we're pretty tight and he's pretty chill and all of us regretted it after it happened. Like both of us were really riled up that night and kept thinking about what happened in the car, but the next morning we remembered our "official" relationships.
Now I've pretty much lost interest in her. She's fun, but really not someone I could be serious with in the long term. I haven't had any relationships since then. Most of the girls we hang out with are more of the scholarly type if you know what I mean. Well one is tomboy/lesbian/bitch. Don't really care for any of them either and I'm sure most don't care for me. Anyway, I hope that's all gonna change this year in college, because my dorm house appears to be at least 70% female. Yiiiiiieeeeeeeehhhhhh!
EDIT: forgot about the poll. In summer, definitely better to have a girl. During the school, I think single is better
Last edited by DarkJak; Jul 30, 2011 at 02:42 AM.