Holy shit Azuma, that sounds so amazing.
Now I want myself a singer girlfriend too ):
Originally Posted by ToriTroll
So I have a master plan. There is a girl in my 1st and 5th hour (I don't get to talk to her in my 5th because we don't sit near each other, but I sit behind in 1st) who is in my circle of friends. Her name is Kaela (alternate spelling for kayla) She looks good, and has a fun personality, but I really don't know her that great. We have had some conversations, but only short and non serious ones.
This is where master plan comes into action.
Yesterday on Friday, she didn't come into school. On her desk I see she got a schedule change for her 5th hour. When the bell rings for 1st hour and the teacher sees she isn't here today, she asks "Does anyone have Kaela's number? Text her that she got a schedule change"
No one in the entire room had her number.
So this is easy. She comes in on Monday, and I strike up a casual conversation and fill her in on all the details of what happened on Friday. I simply recommend to avoid this problem in the future, she should give someone her number. And I think you can guess what guy I think she should give it to. The one talking to her at that very moment
I think it will totally work. Only problem is that I see her texting a lot. That isn't the problem. It is who she is texting. I haven't read any of the messages so idk the situation, but it is an iPhone so the name is really easy to read. It is always the same guy. Probable boyfriend? In any case I should still get her number and get close to her for when they break up. Master plan will initiate Monday.
Nice, pretty nice plan, I think it should work.
My knowledge in the field is a bit restricted, so tips coming from me shouldn't be much relevant. :3
I hope you don't need it, but if you do, good luck.
Last edited by Wolf; Sep 3, 2011 at 11:07 PM.