While waiting to see the castle, here is an overall look at my main single player survival world
I kept playing in this same world for more than 8 months now.
The huge pumpkin is a 4 floors pumpkin farm.
The three towers are mostly for looks.
There is a pumpkin/melon/tree farm on the left.
My main house is the stone one next to those farms.
The pyramid is also for looks.
Everything you see is aaaaalll linked underground for safer movement from a place to the other.
Don't mind the big ugly stone thing on the right, I destroyed that. I didn't like it :/
Plus, here is a more up to date screeny of an enderman I'm building. It's gonna hold a giant dragon egg, which will contain the original dragon egg I fought for :P
Oh and, I took the first screenshot from above yes. But I'm not flying. I'm on this tower :
Was the creeper's name 2pro? :P. And EJM can you post a daylight bird's-eye view? It's easier to see...And the castle is probably shit, I just say it's good xD.
Guys, I need some cool designs for a small enchanting room, I'm thinking of combining glowstone, obsidian, lapis blocks and nether brick, what do you think?
Guys, I need some cool designs for a small enchanting room, I'm thinking of combining glowstone, obsidian, lapis blocks and nether brick, what do you think?