Ok, Ok

Igzoz Super Bored + Spare Time = |||||
In love with Dyrisk|Nin0fshin|hahanub|lexii|Gundampools|Dartzpi e
(Proud [Meth] Leader) IRC:
Well, I liked more the banner of Iggy (no offense sainz, his banner was cool, but the font you used was a bit strange). But Iggy was really cool, I liked it.
BrazilianPlayer o/
Originally Posted by hahanub View Post
Well, I liked more the banner of Iggy (no offense sainz, his banner was cool, but the font you used was a bit strange). But Iggy was really cool, I liked it.

Thanks for all of the support hahanub <3
In love with Dyrisk|Nin0fshin|hahanub|lexii|Gundampools|Dartzpi e
(Proud [Meth] Leader) IRC:
Alright. It looks like you all want a banner competition. So, let's set a deadline of one week. You can submit as many banners as you like, and they will all be voted on at the end of the week. You will, of course, be unable to vote for any of your own banners. The winner will be the new banner for Method, as well as receiving a 10k prize from me.

Also, please try to keep banners within a theme that fits the clan. Remember, our name is Method, and we have the tag Meth. Use something that will fit this. I will discount any willy-nilly themeless or unmatched themed banners from the competition.

Also, we need to get entries from at least five different people for this competition to go through. If it's just a few people entering, it won't be any fun. So tell your friends, clanmates, etc. about it. Let's get as many people in this as we can.
Wow, cool. I'll tell my friends to this competition, they can participate? Although not allies?
But even then I still think Iggy (<3) will win!!

Also: I'm going to home now so, i see you guys later :3
BrazilianPlayer o/
Yes, Hahan, anyone can participate, even if they aren't allies. I want to get as many people as possible in this competition.
Sainz: There's no set theme for Method, I'm saying the banner should have a theme, and that theme should somewhat fit with the name is all. Method itself doesn't really have a theme.

Also, my entry for the competition will, of course, be the current banner.