Urgh. Payday 2 must have something wrong with it, or Steam has a problem with Payday 2 because the way they do their updates is backwards as hell.
Yesterday's update (the one before it too), Steam decided it needed to create dummy files of roughly the entire size of Payday 2 (16gb+) in order to download a 1.4gb update. Which is stupid, because that's what steam does when you download a new game for the first time ever, except it makes dummy files of the whole game which gradually get replaced with the actual game data.
Why the hell it needs to make dummy files of the entire game in order to download 1.4gb of updated files is beyond me, since it just downloads the updated files over the relevant dummy files, deletes any remaining dummy files, and copies the updated files over the top of the actual Payday 2 files.
And also, no, I am not the only one with this problem. A couple of friends of mine also found out it was doing that when windows warned them they had ~10mb left on their hdd when previously they had maybe ~10gb free because apparently we all don't keep hdd space clear...
Oh yeah, that's the other thing. If you didn't have enough space free, Steam takes all the remaining space for the update, windows complains about having like 25kb left on the hard drive , then if you delete some stuff to make room, steam fills in that space again until it has the 16gb necessary free to make dummy files...
Last edited by 4zb41; Aug 24, 2013 at 01:28 AM.