I think pulse would be a fine change in name as for the other 4; i have no idea although i have accounted for what the council decieds on and will be happy with any name aslong as it keeps the clan together.
By the way, when will i be tested to see if i can be promoted also if i become a member do i stay a member or can u still be promoted from there into clan wars team?
3 for pulse 2 for gravity.
im gonna change it to (P) Pulse now :>
ok guys , whoever got "Pulse" into the vote forgot to check dead clans.
cant rename it -> there is already a clan called pulse ( asked at IRC #support ) they told me there is a dead one.
we cant do it.
Last edited by Obscu; Dec 11, 2013 at 10:42 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump