Tribal Head by 13chillz

Another Tribal Head by 13chillz

Showcased head by Clockwork8

Robotic head by Twiz

Eyeball head by 13chillz

Robotic head by Tyler112

Have more heads somewhere but here's some of what I've got, none of these are cheap so please offer nicely
~ raku ~ Team Girl Scouts ~ Clan League 2013 Champion ~ Duelist ~
tyler 2k.

Chrono 7k then.

Natejas offer seperatedly please, i want buy all of them.

FreeFlash 30k? you're kidding right? this head are worth less than 1k.
Tribal 1 - 25k
Tribal 2 - 25k
Robotic Twiz head - 40k
Eyeball - 40k
Robotic Tyler112 - 40k
Not really wanting to sell my Showcased head anymore due to the fact I'd have to get my sig/avvy and all that changed but if I did it would have to be a lot and it originally sold for like 100k for a request or something
~ raku ~ Team Girl Scouts ~ Clan League 2013 Champion ~ Duelist ~
maybe 170k for the 5 I listed because if not I'm fairly sure I can find separate buyers and get the amount I desire ;o
~ raku ~ Team Girl Scouts ~ Clan League 2013 Champion ~ Duelist ~

Artist: filipe994 (hat by Epic4Chris)

Size: 512x512

Auto Resize

Recolour: No

Prev owner: me

Looking for about 3-5k for the head or some high valued items

accepting tc/items

P.S the resolution looks a bit off is because i'm using a 128x128 head texture

hai5 owned this before me.
Artist: me
Recolor: no
Previous Owner: N/A
Size: 512 x 512
Price: 3-5k
(still learning gimp)
Sucking at something is the first step to being good at something ~ Adventure Time