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Okay so here's my explanation :
For Soap, you said Tribe "is the only clan for you". With that you probably meant, that it's the only one which really fits for you. The problem i have with that is, that i have - while you were in TGS - never seen you posting around here or visit our IRC. You started having contact with us again when you left TGS. This combined with your statement that you had "a really good time hanging around in #Tribe make me struggle, since you just started hanging around here when you wanted to join. And if something already makes me struggle and i'm not 100% sure about an applicant it's already a No. Despite from that we increased our standarts for applicants and i'll stay with my No, sorry.
Fist: I left TGS because I absolutely didn't fit in there. I was only invited because the leader's girlfriend told him to.
I haven't "forgotten" about tribe this whole time. I've been practicing my ingame trying to get better. I just simply haven't had time to be in the IRC, or post around, etc. The fact that I have a bit more time now (due to school testing being over), and that I wasn't fitting in too well in TGS made me want to leave and give Tribe another shot. I respect your no, but I think you have the wrong idea about me.
Redundant: I know, and you're one of the only people in Tribe that can say that I don't know a fair bit about. I'm pretty much always in #Tribe so you can talk to me there if you like.