Do you mind reposing the latest list? Also is the DDR4 as stable as the old RAM thingy? And how does G-Sync work? Window Based like Browser Tabs?
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
Where is the latest list?

DDR4 is stable.

G-Sync forces the display to render when a frame is received so it eliminates tearing (previously if you use vsync the display wouldn't render if there was no received frame, so if your display is 60Hz and you are rendering at 59FPS, then your display will not render every second frame because they will be too slow so you are only at 30Hz, with gsync it will render at 59Hz). The gsync hardware is inside the monitor, so it will appear to be like any other monitor, you just plug in the dvi/vga/hdmi and away it goes (assuming you have a gsync capable gpu).
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Ok but how do I toggle between monitors with 1 keyboard? And lemme find it brb. Here: also is Windows 8.1 the best OS? Thx Immortal ur da best.
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
To toggle between monitors?

Not sure what you mean exactly, but you just move your mouse to the edge of the screen and it goes to the next monitor. Using multiple monitors isn't really any different to using 1 monitor. You set 1 of your monitors as primary, which is where new programs open, then you can use hotkeys or drag the window to wherever you want it to be.

W8.1 is the best, but W10 should be releasing soon, which is a free upgrade for W8 users so you can always upgrade when it comes out.

Parts list looks fine, just pick keyboard/mouse you want I guess. There's also higher airflow fans but they will be louder (you can get fans that move about twice as much air).
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff