View Poll Results: should i trick more or do mad mans?
be tricky
101 Votes / 68.71%
be mad
46 Votes / 31.29%
Voters: 147. You may not vote on this poll
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Welcome bro.

The start was funny, but in my eyes 1303 - 1241 was a bit weird. After it, the thing that you did, if i am not wrong it was a donut boy, was very cool, followed by a nice back kick. The rest of the replay consists basically of corks, with a p good execution. Pose was perfect.

keep the improvements up
Factory. Sometimes sleeping.
generally, like all of your replays, very smooth.

first spin was kinda hold all like, but excusable.

nothing really insane happening, you know? i mean it's fluid and looks phenomenal in that aspect, but there's nothing really jaw dropping. work on some crazy shit, something that'll make you drop your jaw.

Good job, definitely a good replay.