[21:55] Icky: How the fuck can i make witty lines about blossoms without going full weeb
Originally Posted by YuenSiu View Post
Crimson Force/lax/blood + Spiky hair 5k

way too low to even bother countering, feel free to not return to this thread

Originally Posted by bossboy020 View Post
can I get something good for like 52k like a set X)


Originally Posted by SrBognanno View Post
Swag cap 6.5k
Santa hat 1k
Spiky hair 2k

Swag Cap deal
Santa Hat 2.5k
Spiky Hair 3k
[21:55] Icky: How the fuck can i make witty lines about blossoms without going full weeb
Originally Posted by Bless View Post
Swag Cap deal
Santa Hat 2.5k
Spiky Hair 3k

Since market price changed after my post, I’ll re offer again.

Swag 2k
Santa 1.5k
Spiky 1k
How much are you willing to sell Alpha Usertext, Alpha Timer, Alpha Emote, Alpha DQ, Alpha Hair, Alpha Ghost + Alpha Grip for?