Also for new applicants, PLEASE consider if we're even going to care about your app, we're a bunch of sheltered elitist fucks, don't make flxy spam the same cp response all over again.
Hello, my name is XxGamerzz although most people call me Gamerz. I'm here to apply for Addicted so without further ado here I go.
My name is Preston and I am 15 years old. I live in the USA, California with a GMT of -7. I speak fluid English although other languages I know include fluent Spanish, some French, and slowly learning Russian. I mostly spend my time on the forums than in the actual game. I am a third Dan black belt with around 3400 ish QI, although I'm not sure i this is accurate as I dont check. I don't have easy access to my PC anymore so I use my phone to get on the forums. I'm not on IRC that much, although I have not been given a reason to go into IRC. I do acknowledge that IRC activity is part of this clan and I will try to get on it when I can. My past clans include Beta(It Died), Nitro(I was there for a good 3-4 months and I felt more and more members were ignoring me), Ascend(It's activity declined more and more until no one was active), and Elite( The members activity also declined.) That's not to say I haven't been looking for other clans although I feel this clan might be a good clan as its been one for 5 years and is the least likely to go inactive or have pointless fights. I feel I could make a great addition to the clan because I am a friendly person with a nice personality and I feel this is a great family like clan. I don't have replays to show off my skills but I hope this app showed off what I can do/the effort I put in to join a clan. Thanks
I should have added in the app I'm persistent. If you dont mind me asking is their a set time I must wait to re-apply again?
Whenever you get irc client and use it to get somebody to unban you from #addicted I guess. Then you will have to hang in #addicted and constantly poke, annoy, query and highlight our recksolfknjeknflwenwlenkjnmtnemnrment master flxy.
my name is dzanks (Daniaka Sianson in real life}
i am 15 years old
my GMT is +7.00 its Indonesia
im good at judofrac, judo, aikido, and not bad at abd
i can help you with ingame skills, donate TCs, and war times
im an ex member of Divine, Ox Tether, Vibe, Tekken, and MOFF
i wanted to join this clan because of this clan is famous, and i need a new family, and i want to help you all out