no I dont think so LOL. i can forge you a bunch of crappy ones though

well everyone ive sold enough flames to get my money back so from now on all flames are about 10k(maybe even less) plus forge cost. if you give me screens of settings and are easy to work with your flames will be dirt cheap.

Thanks everyone for choosing me!!
superkeest u accpet items
i offer u raider force kevlar relax olive force and knox force plus other items from my inv
for 2 elf hand flames
UTM 4ever |4bb не для слабаков
I accept about 10k of the total cost in items unless its like an elf pack so if your flame is 80k you'll need 70k in tc
Keest: Provide a sceenshot of the white flames on default shaders.
If not, a nasty case of false advertisement may be heading your way.
I don't think I was advertising them I did one as a request and he obviously knows youi can't see them with the default white background, appreciate the concern though
bk gimme a sec, and i pmed you reek

just Sold

i really like this one. enjoy!!
Last edited by superkeest; Jun 16, 2009 at 01:16 AM.