Please look at the first post and include all requirements given there in your app o/
I'll check back regularly so you can just edit it if you like.
PM me with any and all questions
I'm going to sound really stupid but I never posted replays before. I have saved replays on the game but I just don't seem to know how to upload them. If they go into my Toribash folder they aren't in there. So, if you have any solutions or I could just play one of the members of Obey in game that'd be convenient.
Only If I Could Suplex

No worries ^^ You click "Go advanced" then "Manage attachments below the text box. It'll open up a new window where you choose the replay files and then upload them. Just close the window after that and they'll be in your post
PM me with any and all questions
I get that but whenever I save a replay it doesn't go into my Toribash folder so it is basically deleted in a way. I am on a very old computer at the moment and to give you an idea I'm still on Windows xp :L and I'm not getting a new computer of my own until I'm able to work again but because of my wrist I can't so should I just wait until then or could I show you some other way?
Only If I Could Suplex

Ah, I see. I will sit in a server for a while if you feel like doing it that way :3 Find me online and I can test you. There's no need to stress though, I got way too much time. /rf and /sa Hattersin
Last edited by Hattersin; Jul 15, 2013 at 04:55 AM.
PM me with any and all questions
By day, I go by the name Nathaniel J. Whittaker. I was born in 1998 making me 15 as of 2013. My Internet alias is MZebra (play on words of street fighter character M.Bison.) personally Id say im rather okay at making textures, but nothing to tell your friends about. My GMT is -5. Id have to say my favorite mod is aikido big dojo because It takes the most skill. as of late I spar/parkour more than anything else and would like to show my most recent spars, although I only have this one that I thought was the best.

Sorry If I dont have the best grammar.
Attached Files
Omega vs Zebra.rpl (820.5 KB, 7 views)
Took some discussion but all applicants are denied. Sorry.
Last edited by Hattersin; Jul 24, 2013 at 05:42 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
PM me with any and all questions