Hi all
First of all, my name is Amr Qassem, it is a pleasure to meet every member in your clan, I have kept a good record throughout my years, no cursing, always respect members, listen from people that are more skillful than me, here is some information about me:
In Game Name:AmrQassem
Belt(Black Belt or Higher Preferred): Black belt
Best mods(Wushu, tk, or aikido preferred): Akido
Why you want to join(Do i need to explain): I would like to be a part of a successful active member, i like competitions and participating wars, I could learn amazing skills from strong players and last is that i will be always active for the clan
Leadership Skills: Yep
You're mature and have a good Reputation: Yep
Some Replays:10 in total
I got Skype: amr.qassem1
Activity: Active almost everyday, I can be active in forums if there is something I can talk about
Artist: Yes I have started to practice with Adobe Photoshop to make beautiful sets so I can get some money, I may involve my friend RhinoZr to help me with this issue.
I have other samples of replays and some with me (only training)
Best Quote: Never Give Up !
I hope that I have met your requirements, I look forward seeing you all.
Thanks for reading and considering
Last edited by AmrQassem; Nov 5, 2012 at 01:11 PM.