Christmas Lottery
what 3d program did you use. liking the plastic effect, almost as if I could touch it.

early wip:
Last edited by Hagan; Mar 14, 2011 at 03:57 AM.
Thanks ^^

Really likeing the head, but the rest looks a bit boring... And they don't really fit too well.

EDIT: more blender stuff-

made them more glossy and white.
Last edited by Gryphon; Mar 15, 2011 at 11:40 AM.
That version is too glossy, but I liked the first one (Gryphon).

Hagan - Try adding more definition to the red on the legs and arms. The body looks nice, with an electric red feel to it. The rest starts to look like a bland pink-ish.
Tubby Tubba's Tubby Textures!
Cheap, Decent Cartoon Heads!
Cool render gryph! Can you like.... Make us a clan pic? Since your rly rly rly good with the 3D stuff.
Frost is pretty cool