How do you us hampas trigger system

Hey, Don't ask the same question twice in this thread within a couple pages of eachother, Be patient and someone will get to you. ~Echo
Last edited by Echoforce; Jul 23, 2011 at 12:16 PM.
<Pab10> i knew it
<Pab10> im a wizard
what is the mod name that you get two shurikens with silver color and shoot it on your enemy?

and what is the other mod that you get a bar and you grab it and use a kick on enemy that is fatal
*you have two bars upside you and the enemy

____ < bar
--- < you

____ < bar
| < you (after grab the bar)
Last edited by rubenoel; Jul 25, 2011 at 10:42 PM.
♪ I'm slowly drifting, drifting away ♫
Could someone please help with the force code, because I can not get this to work.


env_obj 6
shape sphere
pos -2.5 2.5 3
color 0 0 1 1
rot 0 0 0
sides 0.1875 1 1
material steel
mass 0.1
force 1 3 0
bounce 20
flag 22
#END 6
It's just an example. I've also tried with mass 0.0001 and force 100 200 300, and there's still no change, it just falls straight down and at the same speed as the other objects, which don't have any force in their code. >_<
Try to use thrust then.

bounce 20
color 0 0 1 1
flag 22
pos -2.5 2.5 3
shape sphere
sides 0.1875 1 1
thrust 1 1 3 0

I am not sure how force works either. Hope this helps.
I used force in one of my mods and it worked fine.

However I used in on the Tori.

Maybe it won't work on objects?

Edit: Here's one of the parts I used force on

body stomach
density 0.75
force 0 65 120
flag 32

Hope this helps in some way
Last edited by PanzerSoul; Aug 1, 2011 at 03:55 AM.