Originally Posted by Kowla View Post
Frost dragon, some people are motivated by reputation community appeal and overall friendliness, an example of a person like this is viper tech. In my oppinion Viper is trying to establish more of a "family unit" than a clan. Now this being said, people within the family unit will have conflicting motives such as Jinday. Jinday is motivate by power and "greatness" within the community, this is when we see members of the family unit acting out and speaking their minds. Which in a democratic situation like this one, they have a right to. So the answer to your question is simple, because of conflicting interest jimday's motives become clear he likes to be able to visually see his power (represented in a clam tag) rather than feel it through social connections and bonds within the community.

Tbh I prefer open minds and open words. Family unit? Sure, some kind of. Specially with an eye on helping eachother, having fun together but also getting known, feared and proud of the clan tag. So at least a mix of all.

Originally Posted by Colossus View Post
And we (Viper and me) are very sad about some little things.
talked a bit with him yesterday

Actually only 2 or 3 things, one of them needs definitely a decision fast, but more about it later.

Originally Posted by Colossus View Post
and, where the fuck is handler ?

Check my Soundcloud ;)
Devil: You are right and I try to say that we must be more organized and help Viper to make clan more than just a clan.

Frost-Dragon: I don't have any doubt in you, why do you think so? ;) I love you and I'm sure in youm believe me.

Kowla: You don't even know me and you can say that I'm conflicting... =/
Please understand that all I want is to make clan more friendly, because I have a good friendship with all members, as u can see on the forum before - I'd made a world map of Reapers, where showed brotherhood of all our clan nations.
And I'm not motivated by power and "greatness" within the community. -__- I try to make members more serious - THAT WILL HELP VIPER make clan official and stronger.

Ana YES, we are not Soviet Union, everyone has the opinion. All we are brothers - that is making us be a family. And Viper is our brother and friend first of all...

Please Viper, tell me am I not right?
Wing Chun Ip Man
Jinday we are all glad to see your doing a lot to help this clan out and we dearly appreciate it. Everyone does their part just by being active on the thread and helping each other out like true brothers. But everyone sees your points and we greatly value your opinion, just thought to put that out.

Well handler is lurking since he invited devil


VT, take it one step at a time, build a family then aspire to greatness

Jinday you're becoming annoyin
Made by Fenris
Handler hasn't been on in a while, anyone in contact with him (mostly likely)?

And hey Devil, you know me.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
Yeh lol, also we will just have to wait until handler comes back and then we can have epic clan wars I am excited to be in one since it will be first since a long time.

Anyone ingame? im keen for some rk-mma.tbm

Edit: reply to my PM
Last edited by Muse; Aug 1, 2012 at 09:03 PM.
Made by Fenris
I'll do what I thinks best for us, but i'd rather have ViperTech's input on it first. Before I go ahead and make a irrational decision. Jinday, go on our irc, and talk to ViperTech. Speak with him how you feel, and maybe something can be done. I'm a little skeptical of it all, mainly because I think we're doing just fine right now, and maybe we should wait a little while before we go off and do big things. :P
[10:19] <~Tim> Why the fuck not, I'm insane :D
[12:06] <~Tim> Frost-Dragon: I bet you're sexy
App kidgrunge
Age :28
Belt : 10 dan
Country : Argentina
How long have you been playing TB? : 2 years
Forum Activity : 1
In-Game Activity : 8
previus clan : wolves , superheroes
Why did you leave/get kicked?: kicked for no play in one month , ( i have sometimes a girfriend.. you understand :P )
Special Skills?: judo ,twinswords.
Any infractions/bans?: no never.
Originally Posted by ViperTech
Recruitment closed!!!

Read the first post please.
Also, Frost-Dragon Banned?
Why so serious