Sup Clan Leaders. I would prefer to just go by Blance is that’s ok.
All you need to know about my age and date of birth is that I’m old enough not to be an immature little kid. My GMT is +5:00 and I am a man.
Playa Card:
(for some reason it wouldnt paste...)
I want to join the clan because it looks like a clan where I can grow and thrive as an artist and as a player among people who are not going to be pompous dicks like many of the members in other clans. I enjoy the sense of unity and brotherhood found within clans and I like to feel like I’m playing as part of a team or family in the game when I am in a clan.
I feel I can be important to this clan because I have many diverse skills as an artist including textures, gfx, and pretty much any computer art. (Let me know if you want any examples of my art) I am also a 3rd dan and while it has been awhile since I have played, I am willing to get back into the thick of it and become a master yet again. I play many different mods though I would say I am best at akido and judo. I also am very active on the forums and although I don’t have 800 posts I do have a lot and I spend a lot of time in the forum, in game, and on GIMP.
I am also willing to do free art for the clan (provided its not too big as I don’t have much time on my hands these days)
Thank you for taking the time to consider my application and I hope I can join.