About spam i have an idea...
beside each persons name (user bar) there should be 3 stars,x's, (you know what i mean)
Each post of spam it will be marked once 3 are coloured in/ marked the person will be suspended from fyre.
In my opinion spam is bad but 3 posts should not result in a kick (just a suspension)
-Idea that went through my head
I support this and if people like this idea ill edit it and add more guidlines, rules if you will, to it.
Oh and in my opinion suspension - (1 week off fyre) and if it happens again you get booted.
Also spmsl is helping me with the tourney. entry fee is 200-500tc probably. Anyone else who wants to help pm me.
Last edited by febreeze; Nov 8, 2011 at 02:52 AM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump