Originally Posted by
That's why I usually just solo top with her, gives a nice farm along with a good feed, then go off ganking mid.
What is the build you use, I only just start with rylai's scepter, that health and AP early game because of the solo top farm can lead to mean bursts.
In the jungle I found that the most effective way to build was to rush malady, however I tried Rylai's and that took way too long to make and my ganks were subpar.
I tried double gp10 into warden's mail, which is what I do on skarner, but I had literally no damage. So probably just Malady, then FH and I wouldn't get much further than that.
In mid I built a chalice so I could spam Q and I wouldn't have to rely on my jungler's blue. Q is retarded op. Then I built Rylai's, then finish Athene's for the cdr. Afterwards I would either build Zhonya's or Abyssal, but I didn't get that far because I am terrible at csing.
Lol I would kite and poke all day but if that were to happen my team would be like ELISE Y U DUN FITE fagget report feeder noob troller pls
Also the people I play with don't play champions that use CC, so I can't really play alot of elise.
Last edited by Hippybob; Nov 4, 2012 at 12:50 AM.