Yeah, the crow combo does tend to butcher 2 champs near each other, especially if they have low health
I just realised I have the stupidest name in the forum
Was a really close game, carried my team at the end for a triple kill on karthus, teemo and olaf.
I forgot about my own passive and the other karthus killed me, which resulted in a double ace. But we were far enough ahead for our minons to finish off the inhibitor.
Revive + teleport gave me that triple when they least expected it haha

you had a nice draven xD

Edit: I am now on EUW

IGN CartoonTori

Edit2: Olaf is a tad to easy. I am use to bruisers xD
Last edited by Toon; Nov 5, 2012 at 03:28 AM.
I feel like you didn't build him to perfection. I would have given him some defense, he looks pretty squishy right now. It would have been pretty easy to take you out first if they targeted you.
A stun with riven, a knock up with xin, and you would have been at their mercy.
Although you built him pretty good in attack and lifesteal, so I don't know.
Originally Posted by xTheMistx View Post
Cho and ryze don't even have boots AND ryze didn't build any MR ... :S
dafuq is with euw

If you look, he's level 9.
And he has 5 - 15 w/l, he's playing with pure noobs.
Back for good.