if you want a dm server i cant help
you...i dont really play those lol.
i dont play the game for the "action",
i play it for the social aspect of the
game, which is why i mostly play in
yo mamas rp server and petrocks
co-op server. look for those two if
you want to play with me.
so ya...youll just have to look for
a server you like and make it one
of your favorites to get to it quicker.
oh and if you want to make looking
for a server easier, try clicking the
button just above the list of servers,
it will change it into alphabetical
edit - i forgot about my old clans server,
most of the clan doesnt play there, so it
is usually filled with people who arent
very good, so you should probably start
there. heres the IP:
Last edited by superkake; Jun 28, 2010 at 06:56 AM.