Secret Santa 2024
that's nowhere close to dm or frac, it's more like "smell my foot beyatch!". And the second one? I dunno. I think you need to get more grip on this shiz. You're not hopeless for sure, so I expect you to get it "soon", or at least "one day". Yo'
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
Ugh, well, I tried, and was turned down once more. I'm not as bad as you seem to think I am. But whatever, everyone has a right to their own opinions. Thank you for your time.
u wan fite bruv ill mash yer fokn ead in sware on me mum
Originally Posted by fogle View Post
you got it man =) i appreciate it, ima be ur new little nuisance =) lol

role already taken, kthnxbai. Proof
Sahee: so your nick is vagina? Dude you shouldn't get into clans, clans should get into you.
Cześć. Chciałbym złożyć swoje CV do klanu
Nick: Pekeyo
Belt: Brown (30walk do black)
Mods: Wushu, czasami Judo
Styles: RelaxAll, limp style
Ulubiony Klan: RelaxAll
Ulubiony gracz: NutHug, Rutz, Chezda

Gram dla przyjemności nie dla belta, nie dla tc gram od początku wakacji i mam dopiero brown belt na pęczki przyjaciół znam mnóstwo ruchów bardzo zaawansowanych stanowczo więcej czasu spędzam w singlu niż w multi lubie uczyć się trików z neta i przerabiać je żeby były jeszcze bardziej zabójcze a klanu szukam poto aby było poza tori na singlu jeszcze forum (wiesz żeby było z kim pogadać).
Last edited by Pekeyo; Nov 23, 2008 at 12:13 PM.
I have no idea what you are saying... Can you post your application in English? There's only two or three people who can understand polish in this clan ;p
[A L P H A]
Hi. I want to be in your clan
Nick: Pekeyo
Belt: Brown (15 fights to black)
Mods: Wushu, sometimes Judo
Styles: RelaxAll, limp style
Favourite Clan: RelaxAll
Favourite Player: NutHug, Rutz, Chezda

I'm playing for fun not for belt, not for tc. I'm playing 5 months and i have only brown blt and a lot of friends i know a lot of moves so advanced. I'm playing on single player sometimes in multi. I like to learn moves from internet, and i edit it for more killing povah.
along with your description, post both mp and sp replays, so we can have a better overview of your playing, if you're lucky, you'll see some of us in-game
But why's the rum gone? :v
Originally Posted by k6vamees View Post
along with your description, post both mp and sp replays, so we can have a better overview of your playing, if you're lucky, you'll see some of us in-game

na, na, na. He's not getting in. /Odrzucony. For many reasons, amongs which we can count: not reading this thread, even first post. Not telling us why would WE want you. Not posting replays, posting stupid things on our forumboard already (deleted, but I still remember them). And generally being a noob. Stop with pming me requests about joining. Neeext!
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
i have black belt i can send you my replay with headkick madmans and some nice multi pwn if u want but ok no is no... cYa