Belt: black 9half way to 2dan0
Favorite Mod:wushu
Why do you want to join?:cause yo guys look like a good group of fun people
Hey guys!!! I have a chelenge for you!!(Specialy Seeku ^^) Is about a request.. Mine... I need a Avatar!!! So come to this link and give it your try!!!
Rly... I'll pay much ^^ Ty and Hoodz Up!! Cuz Once A Hoodz... You Know The Rest Of It..^^
Well Seekuu its just me and u now..... We can handle this all i can say is Thank You Guys for being there and not leaving all clans will have it's Up and Downs But u are the one's that did not leave... and your the ones that did not Give up..... That is what makes u part of the Hoodz Family..... Soon We Will Rise and be offical... Then that will be the time to Enjoy Everything we have done and looked back 2... HOODZ UP AND FOREVER!!! I WILL NEVER GIVE UP ON THIS CLAN....