Murmayders List Of Possible Improvements
Ok, so i went away last night and thought about how I could help the clan become more organised and how to better the clan. These are only suggestions but I think they could really help out.
1. More complex and defined member ranking system.
2. Replay Indexing.
3. Allow borrowings from Clan bank with a 10% interest on debt paid.
4. Achievements/Boast Thread Stickied.
5. Mentor Program.
6. Training/Lesson System.
7. Compulsory/Encouraged Clan Marking/Log/Trademark.
8. Replay Trick-off Bounty Style
9. Activity Log
10. In-clan Bounty System.
1. A more complex and defined member ranking system means that there are more than 3 ranks and there is personalisation allowed.
Typical pirate ranks would be used in the classification and ranking of the members, probably setting them into 6 different ranks.
Such ranks could be:
Captain/ Pirate King: Leaders/Co-Leaders
Lieutenant/Master: The top members within the clan. This can be decided by skill, involvement within the clan or if the Leaders think they are awesome and love them
Boatswain: Highly ranked members but maybe not as skilled as the higher ups or not as active or as loved.
Gunner: Clansmen that have been with the clan a little while and are well within the ranks and are no longer considered new but are not as skilled or as active in comparison to the rest.
Quartermaster/Carpenter: Just out of newbie status these guys have passed the tests and basically have moved to this rank because there are people newer than them and there was room needed.
Stowaway/Slave: Newbies, regardless of belt or how well you know the existing members, you would start here.
These ranks can/should be negotiable and and the outcome of the negotiation will depend on your level of involvement within the clan, your overall skill ingame and out, how well liked you etc. And will be decided by the leaders.
After all the ranks are sorted, members may request that their name be changed to a different colour or font and they can have a slogan/catchphrase or something to recognise them by next to their name.
Murmayder ~ Mermaid Murder
If you like this idea I could also make little banners as titles to snazz up the ranking system a little more
2. Replay Indexing consists of making the replay thread more user friendly and for more moderated. I know we currently are lacking replays, it still posses to be a better idea to start this now than in the future when we have lots.
In the first post in the thread a leader will categorise the replays into categories like: Decaps, general limb loss, perfect match, judo, aikido, wushu etc. However it is decided.
Then under those titles, the names of the replays will be hyperlinked to the post within this thread that holds that replay. It will also say who is the creator of the replay.
it should look something like this:
Ultimate Wushu Replay - UricHunt2
I rape children in my dreams - ToriBashem
Super Aikido Blowjob - STIKEMAN
Maximum Decap - Murmayder
The ones that are underlined are the titles that the replays are to be indexed and the red ones are the replays. I made them red to signify that they are hyperlinked, they are hyperlinked to the post where those replays are. People will post their replays catagorised and then a leader will add those replays to the original post according to the catagorisation and they will use the original replay name unless specified otherwise. if 2 people have different replays with the same name then the replay submitted last will be given a number.
This will also help us if we decide to make a clan video of our best decpas or something.
3. Allow borrowings from Clan bank with a 10% interest on debt paid.
This means that the money kept in the clans bank can be borrowed by members. i would suggest that this is limited to the 3rd highest rank and above. According to my ranks above this would be the Boatswain or above. The member who is borrowing the money has to state the amount needed, what they need it for, how they will pay the money back and they need to provide an item or items of equal or higher worth as collateral to avoid theft. When the money is paid back the member who borrowed the money also must pay an additional 10% as interest which will count as a donation out of goodwill and as a thankyou. Upon repayment of the debt the collateraled items will be returned to the borrower and then it's happy days. The reason I have restricted the borrowing to Boatswain and higher is because people could join the clan and then borrow the money in order to steal it, which is another reason why the collateral is in place as well.
4. Achievements/Boast Thread Stickied
Ok, so i already mentioned this one. The thread would be for stating your current achievements and then announcing your recently attained achievements, other clan members are to congratulate the member sharing their success and thus the same will be returned to them. Also, if you feel you have made an achievement that doesn't come with a logo thing and isn't rocognised by ToriBash then this is the place to spill about it, related to ToriBash or not. E.g. i just got 100% in an extension maths test, not related but awesome all the same.
5. Mentor Program.
Ok, so i had this idea that when new players come to the game they see all of the guys in clans and see how awesome they are and then they try and join clans but they suck too hard that they are rejected. i thought maybe, with the right volunteers. we could start a Mentor or sensei program where we adopt members on a lower belt who want to join the clan and we teach them the basics and maybe some advanced stuff, then when they attain the rank and skill level needed t enter the can they are tested and if successful they tart out as Slaves or Stowaways. They would have their own rank known as Boatswains Mate. This rank is given because it is expected that Boatswains would be more highly skilled than the rest of the ranks below and they are more trusted members as well, this is not to say that only Boatswain members can have a Boatswains Mate but it is to say that you must be Boatswain or higher in order to have one. Organising of meeting and teaching etc. is determined between the pupil and teacher and the clans involvement may vary from there but the clan is not obligated to help them anymore than giving them an opportunity to get into the clan and by letting them have their name in our ranks.
6. Training/Lesson System
This would include people who are of a high skill in a mod to teach those members who are not, thus making the clan better overall. This would improve our clan war results and tourney results. Of course this would be completely voluntary. I would expect that those who are ranked as an elite within the mods would be the more likely candidates but again I would suggest it be a privilege only given to those of Boatswain or higher.
7. Compulsory/Encouraged Clan Marking/Log/Trademark.
Ok so we are Piratez right? Obviously the mark would be piratey, I'd suggest the Jolly Rodger. It could be put on a bicep or anywhere but I think we should have it so people with any texture, has the jolly rodger on there somewhere. At least to have some form of uniform look, it wouldn't matter where it was or what it looked like aslong as it was the mark agreed upon, for more info on what i mean google Espada and check out their tattoos.
8. Replay Trick-off Bounty Style
The main idea behind this is that somebody posts a replay of them doing something and then challenges others to do it and if they can do it or if they can meet the requirements then the challenger pays the successful challengee the suggested bounty.
E.g. I bet 2000tc that none of you can get behind Uke and Decap him.
Replays are not compulsory but they are if it is a direct challenge to bet a claimed achievement.
9. Activity Log
This would be a thread where you post when you are online and whether or not you are ingame and then when you get offline you post saying you are getting offline, this may give a better idea of who in the clan is most active and who is online when you are etc. Also if you are online but not ingame this should also be stated and when this situation changes that should e posted too.
10. In-clan Bounty System.
Like the whole forums bounty system, the clan could have their own bounty system.
These are just suggestions so if you guys hate them then don't worry about it