Originally Posted by sledgren View Post
Nice new logo and banners and name!

hey sled , thanks for commenting at the banners and the logo
Originally Posted by ESoldier25 View Post
nice name guys! I really like it!!!
BTW, when will we have a story? i really like to see we have one!

idk , maybe iam gonna do it i think i have a cool story for the clan .
Originally Posted by PiePwn View Post
You changed the name because of me, I feel so special <3

actually nothing special here because ofcourse its dont kill my vibe but sparky didnt think about it only
Originally Posted by moataz123 View Post
idk , maybe iam gonna do it i think i have a cool story for the clan .

too late bro

the story

Hope you like it sparky, pls add it pls and you can fix my story from grammar errors
Last edited by Moataz; Mar 15, 2015 at 12:20 PM.
Spark:umm,why u not just put the image on top of the spoilers? it looks so bad for me
moataz:why u not just change the ToribashGod to Hampa doe?
Originally Posted by Mattkit5 View Post
Spark:umm,why u not just put the image on top of the spoilers? it looks so bad for me
moataz:why u not just change the ToribashGod to Hampa doe?

Ya , thats better and i will call him hampagod

Edit:OMG what did you do for the bank matt it just got 15k straight away. Now we can make a tourney finally
Last edited by Moataz; Mar 15, 2015 at 12:37 AM.