Hello alpha members, I am here to apply
My goal is to convince you i'm a really cool guy.
I preside in central time, usa, land of the living
And my favorite holiday is christmas, due to the act of giving.
My name is Shayde, at the age of 14
I prefer to be known as someone who is really not that mean.
These rhymes are a grind
A pain in my behind
But to join your ranks I would do a lot.
I would compete in your name, in this glorious game, a bad player I am not.
I have two little brothers
Not like any others
Although still an irritable bunch.
I play often each day, but not recently, my computer went crunch.
If there are thing you like to know, shoot a pm, in case I didn't do that hot.
Or post on this forum, i'll make sure to not be a sot.
Last edited by Note; Jun 17, 2014 at 06:18 AM.