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That's also true. I try to zone pretty early, so every time i walk closer they get scared usually resulting in me taking no aa harass or damage altogether. Running mp5 yellows usually works out for me. Player's preference I suppose.
I guess I could try armor yellows.
I recognize that some players enjoy highly aggressive rune sets, and some people highly defensive, so I check each person as soon as they enter the lane to see their stats. Low armor results in me instantly auto attacking when they go for cs. Magic damage is lower in the early game in comparison to auto attacks, so early armor is more useful than early mr. Early mr is really only useful for the early-mid phase without any supplements, and that's only in mid and bot, where magic damage is more prevalent.
Yellows are always armor for me. It's universally useful. Blues, reds, and quints are the only things I vary with, and even then it's a stretch with quints: I love my movement quints. I'm saving up for cd and/or flat ap blues and flat ap reds so I can have universal basic rune coverage. MS/Flat AP/AS/ArmorPen Quints, APPen/Flat AD/AS/ArmorPen reds, Armor yellows, and Flat MR/AS blues are what I have so far.
I still need to think what would make a good red for magic damage supports like Raka and Sona and stuffs. I currently use AP Pen for them, but I know I could use better. Flat AP sounds nice, but I'm pretty sure I could get a better stat for a support from it.