sambo backflip decap compitition.
ok, the title is pretty much self explanitory. heres the problem i dont have the tc at the present so all i can put in is 2,5k for the prize. any donation will be apretiated.
The rules are:
mod - sambo.tbm
engage distance: -1000(yes negative 1000)
match frames: 1000
no other alterations to the rules!
you must decap uke
you must do at least 2 backflips
Movement of Uke is also allowed.
post youre replays here and i will judge them on:
2.amount of backflips many dismemberments
4. how clean a decap.
Whose interested?
heres an example.
ps while you are watching please tell me what you think of my new head text
Last edited by crux; Mar 17, 2009 at 12:25 AM.