I already know you're oofun. But even after we said no useless posts you kept posting them. A useless post is a post that is not important e.g Hello. Or went to my friends last night.
A non useless post is a post has meaning or relevance. E.g We're having a clan war, /Jo hero or what did you do to this member? Non useless posts that would increase activity or at least not fuck up the thread. Useless posts are:
1. Under 7 words (unless urgent)
2. Not relevant: even if we didn't look at them we would still be the same
3. There for the sake of being there
4. Annoying
Now you know so stop posting the useless ones and start posting the relevant ones. I know that after this you might post "oh OK thanks psy now I know" don't even post that because that too is useless.
P.S Angelic, you're kinda still acting like a coleader :3 You can request to be an ally otherwise you'll have to use the invade tag and start being a short bus rider.
@Prime: I'm at school right now and I'm posting. Just using the library computers.
Last edited by psychic29; Jun 13, 2012 at 03:31 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump